Tuesday, May 11, 2010


These are some quotes I though of. Some of them are from other people and I put their names by their quote. Some of them came from other people but I can't remember who said them. Some of them, I might have just made up, but they sounded like a quote I'd want to remember. See if you can tell which is which, and if you can guess the meaning of the quote. If you can figure out who said some of the un-named quotes, or if you know the meaning, please tell me in the form of a commet. Please.

What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies right to our faces.

We’re all crazy in this mixed up world of ours. I’m just not afraid to show it. :3

Why run when you can walk?

Auto biographies may just be some of the greatest works of fiction ever written. – george orwell

What’s the difference between politicians and rich, whinny little kids? I don’t know either.

War – When two entities get into a giant argument that results in more casualties then can be counted because both are too stubborn and proud to admit their mistake.

There’s no such thing as good and evil, only opinion. Of course, if everyone were judged by their opinion, we’d all be angels in Heaven.

When you give into a dog’s begging and toss him scraps from the table, he doesn’t say ‘Oh thank you, I’ll just take this scrap and leave you alone now’. He gulps down the food and immediately comes back for more.

Why on earth would you lock the cat in a trunk?!?
The same reason the government got us into this mess with the economy; I don't know.

Calvin and Hobbes-
Calvin talking to his dad: "Dad, how does soldiers killing each other solve the wrold's problems?" Dad sits and looks at him blankly in the next two panels. Last panel is Calvin stomping off- "Sometimes I think grownups only think they know what they're doing".


  1. These are interesting quotes. The only thing you should check is is your author's note. It seemed to me like everytime you wrote "quote" you spelled it wrong. So I would just change that and I really liked reading the quotes that you find meaningful. Good Job!

  2. These quotes are AWESOME! I like the one, "why run when you can walk?" These are all really cool, and give you things to think about!
