Friday, May 21, 2010

The Infamous Teasings of Time

(Click the picture please)

This is a picture poem I made about time because it never really does what you want it to.

Time is such a curious thing
When you want moments to last
It seems to take wing.
When you're in slump
And want time to fly
Time folds up its wings
And slowly crawls by.


  1. I know. 'Its' is spelled 'It's' in the picture, and the 'It' in the second-to-last line should really be 'Time'. I hate PhotoFilter.

  2. That was a cool poem. I like the way it rhymes, the fit really well with the poem. I can't think of anything to improve except maybe to make it longer. Good job Jordan!

  3. Poems don't need to be long. A poem could be five words if you wanted. And if it was any long, I would have run out of time.

  4. This is so true! I could sense almost hidden symbolism. It's hard to explain.

  5. Maybe the fact that the words in the picture poem are arranged in an hourglass shape?

  6. Jordan, this is a really cool and creative way to put a poem. It describes Time perfectly, and it is short and sweet. The picture goes along well and I thought that it was very cool how you put the words in the shape of an hourglass. I love everything about this poem. Great job!
