Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Title yet to be determined

Ah, the big city. Ya gotta love it. The sights, the sounds, the smells, and 'n awesome lake view ta top it off. 'Course, the lakes no place to be at night, 'specially for an alley cat like me. Clock strikes seven. Seven a'clock. Time fer the dinner rush. And I just happen ta be the first, 'nd only one here.
Here comes the garbage boy, right on time. An' there goes the boss, just like always, yellin' at 'im and scarin' 'im half ta death. Come on, go back inside already. There 'e goes. Just 'n time to. An' now it's my turn to have some dinner.
UFF. Now that wasn't as bad as I thought. The trash cushioned m' landing. Probably shoulda looked before I jumped off the top a that buildin'. Now let's see what we have fer tonight. Score! Chicken wings 'n' some salmon. It's amazin' what some people throw out. Well one persons trash, is my dinner, and a good one, too.
What was that? It soun's like the trash cans 'r' havin' a riot! Who's out there?! A big ol' tom, that's who. Well, whadda ya want?
"My dinner." he says. Well, go ahead then. There's enough trash ta go 'round. There's...
"That's not my dinner." he says. Well then where is it?
"YOU'RE EATING IT!" YOW! OI! There's no need fer that! We can share, can't we? Clawed my nose ya did.
"RAAA!" IRK! Get offa me! Fine then, if that's how ya wan it!...Boy, that guy ran off fast. All I did was bite 'is ear. Huh, what a wimp. More salmon fer me, I guess.
Tanight's shapin' up ta be a really good night. Had a good dinner, actually won a fight. This's probably the best night a my life, 'nd...Whoa! That is a lota trucks. 'R' those MILITARY trucks?! I think I'll...

"Whoa, okay, that did NOT happen. If there were that many military trucks in the same city, why haven't I heard about it until now? If they just drove through the street someone would have seen! It would have been all over the news! And I, at least, would have known before that."
"Oh yeah?", I asked opening one eye,"How's that?"
"I happen to work for the government," Martin retorted,"and, let's face it, something like that could never happen."
"I'm amazed that you can say that in a conversation with a 3 foot tall, talking, humanoid alley cat in a turtle shell." I twitched my whiskers at the look he gave me.
"Fine then, Quince. Explain to me how no one, including the government, saw this, heard of this, or was at all unaware of a convoy of military trucks parading through the streets." Martin asked.
"Tell me, Martin, how do you keep cars from going where they shouldn't, without making a big deal about it?" I looked at him expectantly. He though for a moment.
"Okay, I give. How?"
"Traffic lights."
"What?" Martin asked, incredulously,"How?"
"Easy." I replied,"All you do is turn on the traffic lights of all the roads leading onto roads that intersect with the road you want everyone to stay away from. No one questions traffic lights. And if someone does drive through a red light, traffic lights have cameras that would let you know. So if you're, say, driving military trucks through a city and don't want to be seen, you'd know someone was coming your way and have a chance to stop them." I twitched my tail and smirked, daring Martin to question my explanation, which, of course, he did.
"And how exactly do you know that's how it happened?" Martin questioned me, like I was a little kid who was lying to their teacher,"Did you actually see it?" I grinned and told him I hadn't.
"But Gil did." I added. I lean backward in my chair, which wasn't hard, considering I was already leaning halfway back with my feet on the table, and called for Gil. A blond kid wearing a brown cloak immediately lean out from the rail of the second floor.
"You still have those files from June 17th?" I called.
"Yeah, they're still on the computer." Gil called,"Why?"
"Mind showing them to Martin?" I asked.
"Sure." I turned to Martin.
"Those files have all the proof I need." I said leaning back and closing my eyes again.
"What kind of files are they?" asked Martin.
"All kinds. Traffic reports, surveillance videos, audio tracks. In fact, I think there's enough data in those files that I don't even have to finish my story."
"Well, let's see them then." said Martin getting up from his chair. I got out of my seat with more difficulty (my feet were still on the table) and followed him upstairs...


  1. I'd like to see your story of Zadia begun on your blog. It sounds interesting.

  2. Wow! Nice authentic dialouge, though it did confuse me a little. But still, wow! I really want to see how it ends.

  3. This is basically the farthest I've gotten in a story I'm writting for a project I'm doing. The story starts somewhere in the middle of where it actually should and goes back to the beginning like "A Christmas Carol". If this is like any of the other stories I've started, though, I'll get halfway through and then lose it. That's probably when I'll get around to doing the Zadia story I was planning on doing after.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Then again, this wil probably be different since I've actually already come up with bits and pices of the rest of the story. I'm pretty sure there will be a lizard, two snakes, and a turtle. Also, the Wen-Wolf will be in the story. (Look to right to see Wen-Wolf)

  6. That was confusing how you jumped from the cat to the person but it was really good.

  7. Quince isn't a person, she's the same cat from the story being told. The person who works for the government is her friend. He works for a part of the government that's sooo top secret that if you find out about it, they have to secretly kill you and anyone you may have told and send the remains into space...I got the name off an old t.v. show.

  8. Also, I may be exaggerating a LITTLE bit about that last part.

  9. Cool story I liked the dielect a LOT. You might want to clear up begining though.
