Just in case someone doesn't know, there's a dog race track in Kenosha that's closing down that needs adoptive homes for about TWO HUNDRED greyhounds. Any greyhounds that aren't adopted by New Years will be put down. I'm posting this becuase I think it's terrible that there's 200 dogs that will die if they can't find homes before 2010. My family is thinking about adopting a greyhound and giving him a good home. I also have some good tips for adopting dogs.
Just because a dog seems aggresive, doesn't mean he is. My family adopted a dog four years ago. There was one dog that everyone, including the peopole at the humane society, thought was a menace because he was always barking and he was big and black. When my dad asked about him when we came in the door, the man he was talking to said "You don't want that one. Nobody does. He's a demon." The black dog was the one we adopted. His name is Chopper and he's the best dog our family ever had.
When you adopt a dog, you have to make sure you have the right resources for the paticular breed your getting. Like greyhounds and border collies. For greyhounds, you have to make sure that you have a place for them to run around since they're racing dogs. Greyhounds would be a good dog for just about any family becuase they're very loving and don't need as much space as you would think and like to sleep the day away. They just want a nice family and a warm bed. Plenty of greyhounds can live in familys with other dogs without trouble. Border collies are much different. They need attention. If the border collie in question likes to be the one in charge, they tend to not like other dogs. They need a lot of space to run and can be possesive. They're really smart dogs and can hold a grudge for years and it probably isn't a good idea to have them around small children. So Border collies need a very different environmet than Greyhounds. It's something you need to keep in mind when adopting a dog.
Dogs aren't born mean and nasty. If a dog is aggresive, it's becuase it's been treated in a way that made it like that. Dogs act acording to how they were rasied. If a dog is social and friendly, it was rasied in a family that treated it nicely. If the dog is scared of its own shadow, it was probably raised by people who treated it poorly. If you get a dog, make sure it's treated right.
If you adopt a dog, it's a good idea to ask about the dog's habits so that you don't end up in the middle of a dog fight or getting calls from neighbors complaining about your barking dog becuase once a dog's learned a habit, it's hard to get it to UN-learn it.
If you have a small pet like a hamster or a gerbil and you like to take it out of its cage, I don't suggest adopting a Greyhound. Greyhounds tend to hunt down and EAT small animals so if little Mr.Hamster gets out of his cage, I don't think he'll ever be coming back.
So that's it. There are 200 greyhound that need homes by new years. If you like dogs and want to get one, you're a good person. If you're one of those people that hate dogs and hope that those Greyhounds suffer, you're dead to me.(Okay, so I don't know what 'you're dead to me' MEANS but I think that it fits here nicely) But really, those Greyhounds need homes. They're easy to care for and loving and their flaws are easy to overlook(mostly), so if you want to be a good person, try adopting one of those Greyhounds that need a nice person right now. If you don't, you're evil.(Mostly)
I couldn't have said that better myself. I want a dog, but my parents won't let me have another one. We had to put down our old dog, Cher, this summer.
ReplyDeleteThose poor dogs. D: I hope they find loving homes. I want a dog but my mom is allergic to them.
ReplyDeleteI know how that feels. A few years ago, we found a litter of little kittens in our garage. They were so young, they still needed to drink milk. I really wanted to keep them but my Dad was allergic. We ended up giving them alll away and the only one I every see any more is the one we gave to my Oma named Princess and SHE turned out to be evil even though she was the runt of the litter! And I have to take a shower when I come home from my Oma's house.
ReplyDeleteThat's so sad. I wish I could have one, but my dog is a maniac. So it wouldn't be a good idea. That was some really good info though. I know someone who wants a dog, maybe I can get her to adopt one.
ReplyDeleteTedwerd(My name for Claire's dog Teddy) is pretty much a loving,cuddly maniac. But his cuteness level makes you overlook his comedian type personality. Well not really, no matter who you are you need to agree he's pretty quirky. Jordan, I love what humane societies do for the animal race but sometimes I think they can be a little bit cruel too. So they save a dogs life by taking it from it's abuser, but then if they don't get adopted in a month -they kill it.? I don't know. Sometimes I think that humane societies mean well and give a good impression towards the public, but don't let you in on their secrets. It hard to find out that they take their lives away because there is no room for them. What you are doing promotiong adoption is really good though. Its cool your family might save a greyhound. I like how you gave backround information about the breed. I have heard too that greyhound are like spazzy couch potatoes. They get a quick enery burst then they're sleepy the rest of the time. How funny is that?
ReplyDeleteI love how you have a really passoinate topic here, and write with such good form. This is a really good example for the class to see how to write about topics while maintaining the components of good writing.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, I talked with my wife since you told me about htis, and we're trying to find people to adopt a greyhound. Thanks to you, I'll bet some more find homes:)