[Author's Note: Sorry Mr. Johnson, but it's another creeper thingy. I was planning on posting this anyways, though, so I guess I'm a creeper either way. This is a creepy song I wrote for a part in a creepy story that I ended up scraping because it was stupid. I liked the song though, and I liked the character who sings it even though he's an insane killer (I said it was a creepy story didn't I?), so I might incorporate them into another story. See if you can figure out what the symbolism is and what the song means. If you want to know more about the story, I'll tell you, but I probably won't post it here because, like I said, I scrapped it, and I don't think it's something I could post to a school blog.]
What do you do when the shadows come a-creeping?
The banshees come a-weeping?
The skeletons a-leaping?
What do you do when the Grim Reaper comes peeking?
Peeking in your bedroom window?
What do you do when the axmen come a-lopping?
The riflemen a-shotting?
The executioner a-chopping?
What do you do when the Grim Reaper comes knocking?
Knocking on your bedroom door?
What do puppet masters do when puppets disobey?
What do highwaymen do what dead victims demand pay?
What do traitors do, finding they’ve been stabbed in the back?
And kidnappers who’ve been stuffed in their sack?
What do you do when the old sphinx comes a-hinting?
The evil eye a-squinting?
The deathlist’s started printing.
What do you do when you see the knife blade glinting?
And realize you be sleeping (insert distant screams here) fore-ver-more?