Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Monsterous Thing That Ate a Month of My Life

I hate this animation. Or, at least, the animated part. The timing is off, I got slides mixed up, Movie Maker froze the computer every twelve seconds making a half hour project take 3 hours and deleting several dozen slides. So here. A two week project that took a month and made me work through several parties that would have been pretty fun to participate in, considering they were happening two feet from my face. In short, the monster that ate an entire irreplaceable month of my life. I just hope the internet crashes and burns before anyone I know sees it.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Only Difference I Can See Between Most Politicians and Rich, Whinny, Spoiled Little Kids is a Change in Vocabulary

I really can't see much more difference. Politicians constantly argue amongst themselves, protesting or, put more simply, whining when they don't get their way. Politicians lie to get what they want, or at the very least don't tell the whole truth, which is really just as bad. They're impatient and nearsighted when it comes to many things and unfortunately, our economy is one of those things.

Our economy is like a bank account in the sense that money is constantly put into and taken out of it and sometimes, people have to take a lot of money out at once. This would seem bad at the moment, but if one is patient and just keeps up what they've been doing, minus the large amount of spending of course, the the amount of money in the account, and in the economy, will slowly but surely reach the point it was at before, if not higher. This is where the problem is; politicians, as I said before, aren't patient and can't seem to put the fact that their are still hard working people putting money into the economy together with the fact that more money is printed and put into circulation each day . This means that, rather than waiting for the economy to go back up on its own, they spend what's left of our money trying to make more money, which doesn't work.
Politicians are also like little kids, not only in their nearsightedness and impatience, but how when they realize they've made a mistake, they manage to pin the consequences on someone else, namely, we the people. Once they finally get it into their heads that spending money doesn't make you more money, they decide to raise taxes, making everything more expensive and more people have file bankruptcy due to the fact that they just can't afford anything. Concerta is a perscription drug that everyone in my family has to take everyday. Exactly how much does a months worth of Concerta cost? For one person, $200. For thirty freaking pills. Times that by 6 people in my family and 12 months in a year, that's $14,400 dollars my family spends on perscription drugs per year.

If the fact that taxes are now higher, gas prices are almost double what they were, and everything else is now more expensive, are added to that number, that's a lot of money. And, to add to the long list of things that are costing us more money, apparently, in a few years, people will have to pay to be able to view most websites. Popular things like YouTube and FaceBook and all those sites would be free, but for one to access sites that aren't as popular, like Wajas, one would have to pay to even view the site. All because of rising prices, due to the not very well thought out and, let's face it, stupid decisions of some politicians.

Breaking the rules is yet another trait that most little kids and plenty of politicians have. The constitution is SECOND amendment of the Bill of Rights states clearly "...the right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED." Last time I checked, 'shall not be infringed' means you can't make a law against it. What does the president, Barrack Obama, want to do? He wants to be Squealer the pig and go against the constitution and take away our rights. The new dictionaries and textbooks that were released are asking for the United States to follow in Russia's footsteps. All references of the American Slave trade have been renamed the North Atlantic...something. I can't remember the last part, but the point is they changed the name and some of the information to make th U.S. look better. Rewriting history; where have we heard that before?

Basically, we havethe equivilent to rich, spoiled little kids with big vocabularies running the country and going against the constitution and, to tell the truth, I'm starting to get kind of ticked off. Personally, I'd like to buy a coy of Animal Farm, Give it to Barrack Obama, tell him to read it, then look me in the eye and say that's not what's starting to happen here, because it is. The people in charge are canging things they have no right to change and are trying to re write history in a way that's more apealing to them. If I ever do give Animal farm to the president, and if he can look me in the eye and say that what's happening here isn't in the least bit like Animal Farm, then we'll all know that the president is either blind, or a liar.