Monday, October 26, 2009


Two poems I wrote to sort of describe what I think of when I think of Forests and Rivers. Rivers are like a living being of their own that travels tirelesslt forward, always finding time for fun and games. Rivers are friendly and welcoing, but also have their secrets, hidden where the waters run deep.Forests are less of a thriving being than a place where such beings can find a haven. When people speak of thigs like the life of the forest, I don't think they're talking about the forest so much as the commmunities that live with them and make them into what's truly know as a forest.



Rushing water,
Blues and browns and bright yellow flashes of sunshine.
Greens where trees lean eagerly toward the water,
Black where the sun seems forbidden,
And the deep water hides its secrets.
Tall grass mimics the water in sound and movement,
And the water strains to mimic the afternoon sky.
The rocks stand tall and strong,
Ignoring the river's invite to play,
As frogs to tired to swim sit in the sun,
Waiting 'till they can swim with the silver fishes,
As the river winds to the forest.


As far as the eye can see.
Green, brown, black.
Birds and flowers,
Painting the land with their color.
Purple, red, yellow.
Songs fill the air,
Birds fly in formation,
Darting, wheeling, diving, spinning.
Little acrobats.
As the resident of this forest,
In all forms,
Prepare for their next meal.
Dinner and a show.
The sun sinks father and farther,
The songs of birds fade,
To be replace by a different kind of chirp,
Accompanied by buzzes, croaks,and hums.
A twilight orchestra.